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Prefect REST API Overview

Both Prefect Cloud and locally run Prefect servers host a REST API that gives you access to many observability, coordination, and account management functions of the platform.

Prefect Cloud REST API documentation is available at

The Prefect REST API documentation for locally run open-source Prefect servers is available in the Prefect REST API Reference.

Prefect REST API interactive documentation

If you are running a local instance of the Prefect server with prefect server start, the Prefect REST API documentation for your instance is available at http://localhost:4200/docs or the /docs endpoint of the PREFECT_API_URL you have configured to access the server.

REST Guidelines

The Prefect REST API adheres to the following guidelines:

  • Collection names are pluralized (for example, /flows or /runs).
  • We indicate variable placeholders with colons: GET /flows/:id.
  • We use snake case for route names: GET /task_runs.
  • We avoid nested resources unless there is no possibility of accessing the child resource outside the parent context. For example, we query /task_runs with a flow run filter instead of accessing /flow_runs/:id/task_runs.
  • The API is hosted with an /api/:version prefix that (optionally) allows versioning in the future. By convention, we treat that as part of the base URL and do not include that in API examples.
  • Filtering, sorting, and pagination parameters are provided in the request body of POST requests where applicable.
    • Pagination parameters are limit and offset.
    • Sorting is specified with a single sort parameter.
    • See more information on filtering below.

HTTP verbs

  • GET, PUT and DELETE requests are always idempotent. POST and PATCH are not guaranteed to be idempotent.
  • GET requests cannot receive information from the request body.
  • POST requests can receive information from the request body.
  • POST /collection creates a new member of the collection.
  • GET /collection lists all members of the collection.
  • GET /collection/:id gets a specific member of the collection by ID.
  • DELETE /collection/:id deletes a specific member of the collection.
  • PUT /collection/:id creates or replaces a specific member of the collection.
  • PATCH /collection/:id partially updates a specific member of the collection.
  • POST /collection/action is how we implement non-CRUD actions. For example, to set a flow run's state, we use POST /flow_runs/:id/set_state.
  • POST /collection/action may also be used for read-only queries. This is to allow us to send complex arguments as body arguments (which often cannot be done via GET). Examples include POST /flow_runs/filter, POST /flow_runs/count, and POST /flow_runs/history.


Objects can be filtered by providing filter criteria in the body of a POST request. When multiple criteria are specified, logical AND will be applied to the criteria.

Filter criteria are structured as follows:

    "objects": {
        "object_field": {
            "field_operator_": <field_value>

In this example, objects is the name of the collection to filter over (for example, flows). The collection can be either the object being queried for (flows for POST /flows/filter) or a related object (flow_runs for POST /flows/filter).

object_field is the name of the field over which to filter (name for flows). Note that some objects may have nested object fields, such as {flow_run: {state: {type: {any_: []}}}}.

field_operator_ is the operator to apply to a field when filtering. Common examples include:

  • any_: return objects where this field matches any of the following values.
  • is_null_: return objects where this field is or is not null.
  • eq_: return objects where this field is equal to the following value.
  • all_: return objects where this field matches all of the following values.
  • before_: return objects where this datetime field is less than or equal to the following value.
  • after_: return objects where this datetime field is greater than or equal to the following value.

For example, to query for flows with the tag "database" and failed flow runs, POST /flows/filter with the following request body:

    "flows": {
        "tags": {
            "all_": ["database"]
    "flow_runs": {
        "state": {
            "type": {
              "any_": ["FAILED"]


The Prefect REST API can be fully described with an OpenAPI 3.0 compliant document. OpenAPI is a standard specification for describing REST APIs.

To generate Prefect's complete OpenAPI document, run the following commands in an interactive Python session:

from prefect.server.api.server import create_app

app = create_app()
openapi_doc = app.openapi()

This document allows you to generate your own API client, explore the API using an API inspection tool, or write tests to ensure API compliance.