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User accounts

Sign up for a Prefect Cloud account at

An individual user can be invited to become a member of other accounts.

User settings

Users can access their personal settings in the profile menu, including:

  • Profile: View and editing basic information, such as name.
  • API keys: Create and view API keys for connecting to Prefect Cloud from the CLI or other environments.
  • Preferences: Manage settings, such as color mode and default time zone.
  • Feature previews: Enable or disable feature previews.

Account roles

Users who are part of an account can hold the role of Admin or Member. Admins can invite other users to join the account and manage the account's workspaces and teams.

Admins on Pro and Custom tier Prefect Cloud accounts can grant members of the account roles in a workspace, such as Runner or Viewer. Custom roles are available on Custom tier accounts.

API keys

API keys enable you to authenticate an environment to work with Prefect Cloud.

Service accounts

Service accounts enable you to create a Prefect Cloud API key that is not associated with a user account.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Custom tier plans offer single sign-on (SSO) integration with your team’s identity provider, including options for directory sync and SCIM provisioning.

Audit log

Audit logs provide a chronological record of activities performed by Prefect Cloud users who are members of an account.

Object-level access control lists (ACLs)

Prefect Cloud's Custom plan offers object-level access control lists to restrict access to specific users and service accounts within a workspace.


Users of Custom tier Prefect Cloud accounts can be added to Teams to simplify access control governance.