These pages explain how to develop Prefect workflows.

The Write and run workflows section introduces and explains Prefect’s core concepts.

  • Write and run flows introduces the most central Prefect object, the flow.
  • Write and run tasks shows you how to create task decorated functions that represent a discrete unit of work in a Prefect workflow.
  • Run tasks in the background explains how to use tasks to execute small, discrete units of work quickly.
  • Log run activity shows you how to capture fine-grained information about flows and tasks for monitoring, troubleshooting, and auditing.

The Configure runtime behavior section introduces advanced features for interacting with running workflows and automatically taking actions based on workflow state.

The Manage state and configuration section explores how to manage data and configuration in Prefect.

The Manage concurrency section explains how to speed up your workflows and limit activities that can take place concurrently.

Explore further customization beyond the core SDK with:

Finally, testing workflows includes strategies and utilities for testing workflows.