In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up a platform for data pipelines with Prefect Cloud. We’ll show you how to create workspaces, work pools, workers, and then deploy flows to the infrastructure you’ve provisioned.


To complete this tutorial, you’ll need:

  • Git
  • Docker
  • Python 3.9 or newer
  • A paid Prefect Cloud account (free accounts do not support multiple workspaces)

You’ll also need to clone the Prefect demo repository and install the prefect library:

# Clone the demo repository
git clone
cd demos
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Show that the Prefect CLI is installed
prefect --version

Create workspaces

We recommend one workspace per development environment. In this tutorial, we’ll create a production workspace and a staging workspace. To create multiple workspaces on Prefect Cloud, you’ll need a paid account.

  1. Head to and sign in to your paid account.
  2. If you haven’t created a workspace yet, you’ll be prompted to choose a name for your workspace. Name your first workspace production.

Next, create a staging workspace:

  1. Click the workspace switcher in the sidebar
  2. Go to Switch workspace / Create a new workspace
  3. Name this workspace staging.

You should now have two workspaces named production and staging.

Create work pools

Work pools let you dynamically provision infrastructure for your flows. First, create a work pool for your production workspace.

  1. Switch to the production workspace using the workspace switcher in the sidebar.
  2. Click Work pools in the sidebar.
  3. Create a new Docker hybrid work pool, named default-work-pool and using the default configuration.

Next, repeat this steps and create a second work pool named default-work-pool in the staging workspace. You should now have one work pool in each workspace.

Start workers

Because you’re using hybrid work pools, you need to start at least one worker for each work pool to process flow runs.

First, you need to authenticate to Prefect Cloud using the CLI.

prefect cloud login

Once you’ve authenticated to Prefect Cloud, open two terminal windows and run two workers:

Terminal 1
# Switch to the production workspace
prefect cloud workspace set --workspace "<account handle>/production"

# Start a worker for the production work pool
prefect worker start --pool default-work-pool
Terminal 2
# Switch to the staging workspace
prefect cloud workspace set --workspace "<account handle>/staging"

# Start a worker for the staging work pool
prefect worker start --pool default-work-pool

You can use prefect cloud workspace ls to see the fully qualified names of the workspaces in your account

Deploy and run flows

Run the following script from the demo repository to create flow runs in each workspace:

# Run flows in the production workspace
prefect cloud workspace set --workspace "<account handle>/production"
# Run flows in the staging workspace 
prefect cloud workspace set --workspace "<account handle>/staging"
python --fail-at-run 3

Each script invocation will take approximately one minute to finish. If you check the logs for the worker running in the staging workspace, you will see errors, this is expected.

View flow run activity

Now that you’ve deployed and run your flows, you can view the run details in the UI. If you go to the Home page for each workspace, you can see run activity.

Here’s what happened:

  • The script created two deployments of the flow, one deployment per workspace.
  • The script then generated multiple flow runs for each deployment.
  • The activity graph on the Home page shows successful runs as green and failed runs as red.
  • Notice that the flow runs in the production workspace succeeded, but some of the flow runs in the staging workspace failed.

This output is expected, you’ll learn how to debug these failures in the next tutorial.

Optional: Manage team access

If you’re a Prefect Enterprise customer, you can use Teams to manage access to your workspaces and work pools.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you successfully set up a platform for data pipelines, and then deployed and ran flows on the infrastructure you provisioned. If this doesn’t perfectly match your use case, here are some variations you can explore:

Next, learn how to debug a flow run when things go wrong.

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