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Welcome to Prefect

Prefect is a workflow orchestration tool empowering developers to build, observe, and react to data pipelines.

It's the easiest way to transform any Python function into a unit of work that can be observed and orchestrated. Just bring your Python code, sprinkle in a few decorators, and go!

With Prefect you gain:

screenshot of Cloud UI timeline view with menu

Prefect UI

New to Prefect?

Start with the tutorial and then check out the concepts for more in-depth information. For deeper dives on specific use cases, explore our guides for common use-cases.

Concepts Tutorial Guides

Alternatively, read on for a quickstart of Prefect.

Prefect Quickstart

Step 1: Install Prefect

pip install -U prefect

See the install guide for more detailed installation instructions.

Step 2: Connect to Prefect's API

Sign up for a forever free Prefect Cloud account or, alternatively, host your own server with a subset of Prefect Cloud's features.

  1. If using Prefect Cloud sign in with an existing account or create a new account at
  2. If setting up a new account, create a workspace for your account.
  3. Use the prefect cloud login Prefect CLI command to log into Prefect Cloud from your environment.

    prefect cloud login

Step 3: Create a flow

The fastest way to get started with Prefect is to add a @flow decorator to any python function.

Rules of Thumb

  • At a minimum, you need to define at least one flow function.
  • Your flows can be segmented by introducing task (@task) functions, which can be invoked from within these flows.
  • A task represents a discrete unit of Python code, whereas flows are more akin to parent functions accommodating a broad range of workflow logic.
  • Flows can be called inside of other flows (we call these subflows) but a task cannot be run inside of another task or from outside the context of a flow.

Here is an example flow named Repo Info that contains two tasks:

import httpx
from prefect import flow, task

def get_repo_info(repo_owner: str, repo_name: str):
    """ Get info about a repo - will retry twice after failing """
    url = f"{repo_owner}/{repo_name}"
    api_response = httpx.get(url)
    repo_info = api_response.json()
    return repo_info

def get_contributors(repo_info: dict):
    contributors_url = repo_info["contributors_url"]
    response = httpx.get(contributors_url)
    contributors = response.json()
    return contributors

@flow(name="Repo Info", log_prints=True)  
def repo_info(
    repo_owner: str = "PrefectHQ", repo_name: str = "prefect"
    # call our `get_repo_info` task
    repo_info = get_repo_info(repo_owner, repo_name)
    print(f"Stars 🌠 : {repo_info['stargazers_count']}")

    # call our `get_contributors` task, 
    # passing in the upstream result
    contributors = get_contributors(repo_info)
        f"Number of contributors 👷: {len(contributors)}"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Call a flow function for a local flow run!

Step 4: Run your flow locally

Call any function that you've decorated with a @flow decorator to see a local instance of a flow run.

18:21:40.235 | INFO    | prefect.engine - Created flow run 'fine-gorilla' for flow 'Repo Info'
18:21:40.237 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - View at
18:21:40.837 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - Created task run 'get_repo_info-0' for task 'get_repo_info'
18:21:40.838 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - Executing 'get_repo_info-0' immediately...
18:21:41.468 | INFO    | Task run 'get_repo_info-0' - Finished in state Completed()
18:21:41.477 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - Stars 🌠 : 12340
18:21:41.606 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - Created task run 'get_contributors-0' for task 'get_contributors'
18:21:41.607 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - Executing 'get_contributors-0' immediately...
18:21:42.225 | INFO    | Task run 'get_contributors-0' - Finished in state Completed()
18:21:42.232 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - Number of contributors 👷: 30
18:21:42.383 | INFO    | Flow run 'fine-gorilla' - Finished in state Completed('All states completed.')

You'll find a link directing you to the flow run page conveniently positioned at the top of your flow logs.

Alt text

Local flow run execution is great for development and testing, but to schedule flow runs or trigger them based on events, you’ll need to deploy your flows.

Step 5: Deploy the flow

Deploying your flows informs the Prefect API of where, how, and when to run your flows.

Always run prefect deploy commands from the root level of your repo!

When you run the deploy command, Prefect will automatically detect any flows defined in your repository. Select the one you wish to deploy. Then, follow the 🧙 wizard to name your deployment, add an optional schedule, create a work pool, optionally configure remote flow code storage, and more!

prefect deploy

It's recommended to save the configuration for the deployment.

Saving the configuration for your deployment will result in a prefect.yaml file populated with your first deployment. You can use this YAML file to edit and define multiple deployments for this repo.

Step 5: Start a worker and run the deployed flow

Start a worker to manage local flow execution. Each worker polls its assigned work pool.

In a new terminal, run:

prefect worker start --pool '<work-pool-name>'

Now that your worker is running, you are ready to kick off deployed flow runs from the UI or by running:

prefect deployment run '<flow-name>/<deployment-name>'

Check out this flow run's logs from the Flow Runs page in the UI or from the worker logs. Congrats on your first successfully deployed flow run! 🎉

You've seen:

  • how to define your flows and tasks using decorators
  • how to deploy a flow
  • how to start a worker

Next Steps

To learn more, try our tutorial and guides, or go deeper with concepts.

Need help?

Get your questions answered by a Prefect Product Advocate! Book a Meeting


Changing from 'Orion'

With the 2.8.1 release, we removed references to "Orion" and replaced them with more explicit, conventional nomenclature throughout the codebase. These changes clarify the function of various components, commands, and variables. See the Release Notes for details.

Looking for Prefect 1 Core and Server?

Prefect 2 is used by thousands of teams in production. It is highly recommended that you use Prefect 2 for all new projects.

If you are looking for the Prefect 1 Core and Server documentation, it is still available at