prefect deployment

prefect deployment [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Manage deployments.

prefect deployment inspect

prefect deployment inspect [OPTIONS] NAME

View details about a deployment.

 Example:  $ prefect deployment inspect “hello-world/my-deployment” { ‘id’: ‘610df9c3-0fb4-4856-b330-67f588d20201’, ‘created’: ‘2022-08-01T18:36:25.192102+00:00’, ‘updated’: ‘2022-08-01T18:36:25.188166+00:00’, ‘name’: ‘my-deployment’, ‘description’: None, ‘flow_id’: ‘b57b0aa2-ef3a-479e-be49-381fb0483b4e’, ‘schedules’: None, ‘parameters’: {‘name’: ‘Marvin’}, ‘tags’: [‘test’], ‘parameter_openapi_schema’: { ‘title’: ‘Parameters’, ‘type’: ‘object’, ‘properties’: { ‘name’: { ‘title’: ‘name’, ‘type’: ‘string’ } }, ‘required’: [‘name’] }, ‘storage_document_id’: ‘63ef008f-1e5d-4e07-a0d4-4535731adb32’, ‘infrastructure_document_id’: ‘6702c598-7094-42c8-9785-338d2ec3a028’, ‘infrastructure’: { ‘type’: ‘process’, ‘env’: {}, ‘labels’: {}, ‘name’: None, ‘command’: [‘python’, ‘-m’, ‘prefect.engine’], ‘stream_output’: True } }

prefect deployment ls

prefect deployment ls [OPTIONS]

View all deployments or deployments for specific flows.

prefect deployment run

prefect deployment run [OPTIONS] [NAME]

Create a flow run for the given flow and deployment.

The flow run will be scheduled to run immediately unless `—start-in` or `—start-at` is specified. The flow run will not execute until a worker starts. To watch the flow run until it reaches a terminal state, use the `—watch` flag.

prefect deployment delete

prefect deployment delete [OPTIONS] [NAME]

Delete a deployment.

 Examples:  $ prefect deployment delete test_flow/test_deployment $ prefect deployment delete —id dfd3e220-a130-4149-9af6-8d487e02fea6

prefect deployment schedule

prefect deployment schedule [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Manage deployment schedules.

prefect deployment schedule create

prefect deployment schedule create [OPTIONS] NAME

Create a schedule for a given deployment.

prefect deployment schedule delete

prefect deployment schedule delete [OPTIONS] DEPLOYMENT_NAME SCHEDULE_ID

Delete a deployment schedule.

prefect deployment schedule pause

prefect deployment schedule pause [OPTIONS] DEPLOYMENT_NAME SCHEDULE_ID

Pause a deployment schedule.

prefect deployment schedule resume

prefect deployment schedule resume [OPTIONS] DEPLOYMENT_NAME SCHEDULE_ID

Resume a deployment schedule.

prefect deployment schedule ls

prefect deployment schedule ls [OPTIONS] DEPLOYMENT_NAME

View all schedules for a deployment.

prefect deployment schedule clear

prefect deployment schedule clear [OPTIONS] DEPLOYMENT_NAME

Clear all schedules for a deployment.