Prefect offers a flexible way to deploy flows to dynamic infrastructure using the Python SDK. This approach allows you to target specific work pools and utilize dynamically provisioned infrastructure.

Deploying flows to dynamic infrastructure offers a flexible and programmatic approach to managing your Prefect workflows. While flow.serve remains a valid and straightforward method for deploying flows to persistent infrastructure, there are scenarios where you might need to leverage dynamic, scalable resources. In these cases, flow.deploy provides a powerful alternative that allows you to target specific work pools and utilize dynamically provisioned infrastructure.

When to consider flow.deploy over flow.serve

The flow.serve method is an excellent choice for many use cases, especially when you have readily available, persistent infrastructure. However, you might want to consider using flow.deploy in the following situations:

  1. Cost optimization: Dynamic infrastructure can help reduce costs by scaling resources up or down based on demand.
  2. Resource scarcity: If you have limited persistent infrastructure, dynamic provisioning can help manage resource allocation more efficiently.
  3. Varying workloads: For workflows with inconsistent resource needs, dynamic infrastructure can adapt to changing requirements.
  4. Cloud-native deployments: When working with cloud providers that offer serverless or auto-scaling options.

By using flow.deploy, you can take advantage of Prefect’s work pool system, which provides a layer of abstraction between your flows and the underlying infrastructure. This approach offers greater flexibility and efficiency in running your workflows when dynamic infrastructure is needed.

Let’s explore how to create a deployment using the Python SDK and leverage dynamic infrastructure through work pools.


Before deploying your flow using flow.deploy, ensure you have the following:

  1. A running Prefect server or Prefect Cloud workspace: You can either run a Prefect server locally or use a Prefect Cloud workspace. To start a local server, run prefect server start. To use Prefect Cloud, sign up for an account at and follow the Connect to Prefect Cloud guide.

  2. A Prefect flow: You should have a flow defined in your Python script. If you haven’t created a flow yet, refer to the Write Flows guide.

  3. A work pool: You need a work pool to manage the infrastructure for running your flow. If you haven’t created a work pool, you can do so through the Prefect UI or using the Prefect CLI. For more information, see the Work Pools guide.

    For examples in this guide, we’ll use a Docker work pool created by running:

    prefect work-pool create --type docker my-work-pool
  4. Docker: Docker will be used to build and store the image containing your flow code. You can download and install Docker from the official Docker website. If you don’t want to use Docker, you can see other options in the Use remote code storage section.

  5. (Optional) A Docker registry account: While not strictly necessary for local development, having an account with a Docker registry (such as Docker Hub) is recommended for storing and sharing your Docker images.

With these prerequisites in place, you’re ready to deploy your flow using flow.deploy.

Deploy a flow with flow.deploy

To deploy a flow using flow.deploy and Docker, follow these steps:


Write a flow

Ensure your flow is defined in a Python file. Let’s use a simple example:
from prefect import flow

def my_flow(name: str = "world"):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

Add deployment configuration

Add a call to flow.deploy to tell Prefect how to deploy your flow.
from prefect import flow

def my_flow(name: str = "world"):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Run your script to deploy your flow.


Running this script will:

  1. Build a Docker image containing your flow code and dependencies.
  2. Create a deployment associated with the specified work pool and image.

Building a Docker image for our flow allows us to have a consistent environment for our flow to run in. Workers for our work pool will use the image to run our flow. In this example, we set push=False to skip pushing the image to a registry. This is useful for local development, and you can push your image to a registry such as
Docker Hub in a production environment.

Where’s the Dockerfile?

In the above example, we didn’t specify a Dockerfile. By default, Prefect will generate a Dockerfile for us that copies the flow code into an image and installs any additional dependencies.

If you want to write and use your own Dockerfile, you can do so by passing a dockerfile parameter to flow.deploy.

Trigger a run

Now that we have our flow deployed, we can trigger a run via either the Prefect CLI or UI.

First, we need to start a worker to run our flow:

prefect worker start --pool my-work-pool

Then, we can trigger a run of our flow using the Prefect CLI:

prefect deployment run 'my-flow/my-deployment'

After a few seconds, you should see logs from your worker showing that the flow run has started and see the state update in the UI.

Deploy with a schedule

To deploy a flow with a schedule, you can use one of the following options:

  • interval

    Defines the interval at which the flow should run. Accepts an integer or float value representing the number of seconds between runs or a datetime.timedelta object.

  • cron

    Defines when a flow should run using a cron string.

  • rrule

    Defines a complex schedule using an rrule string.

  • schedules

    Defines multiple schedules for a deployment. This option provides flexibility for:

    • Setting up various recurring schedules
    • Implementing complex scheduling logic
    • Applying timezone offsets to schedules

    Learn more about schedules here.

Use remote code storage

In addition to storing your code in a Docker image, Prefect also supports deploying your code to remote storage. This approach allows you to store your flow code in a remote location, such as a Git repository or cloud storage service.

Using remote storage for your code has several advantages:

  1. Faster iterations: You can update your flow code without rebuilding Docker images.
  2. Reduced storage requirements: You don’t need to store large Docker images for each code version.
  3. Flexibility: You can use different storage backends based on your needs and infrastructure.

Using an existing remote Git repository like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket works really well as remote code storage because:

  1. Your code is already there.
  2. You can deploy to multiple environments via branches and tags.
  3. You can roll back to previous versions of your flows.

To deploy using remote storage, you’ll need to specify where your code is stored by using flow.from_source to first load your flow code from a remote location.

Here’s an example of loading a flow from a Git repository and deploying it:
from prefect import flow

if __name__ == "__main__":

The source parameter can be a variety of remote storage options including:

  • Git repositories
  • S3 buckets (using the s3:// scheme)
  • Google Cloud Storage buckets (using the gs:// scheme)
  • Azure Blob Storage (using the az:// scheme)

The entrypoint parameter is the path to the flow function within your repository combined with the name of the flow function.

Learn more about remote code storage here.

Set default parameters

You can set default parameters for a deployment using the parameters keyword argument in flow.deploy.
from prefect import flow

def my_flow(name: str = "world"):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Will print "Hello, Marvin!" by default instead of "Hello, world!"
        parameters={"name": "Marvin"},

Note these parameters can still be overridden on a per-deployment basis.

Set job variables

You can set default job variables for a deployment using the job_variables keyword argument in flow.deploy. The job variables provided will override the values set on the work pool.
import os
from prefect import flow

def my_flow():
    name = os.getenv("NAME", "world")
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Will print "Hello, Marvin!" by default instead of "Hello, world!"
        job_variables={"env": {"NAME": "Marvin"}},

Job variables can be used to customize environment variables, resources limits, and other infrastructure options allowing fine-grained control over your infrastructure on a per-deployment or per-flow-run basis. Any variable defined in the base job template of the associated work pool can be overridden by a job variable.

You can learn more about job variables here.

Deploy multiple flows

If you want to deploy multiple flows at once, use the deploy function.
from prefect import flow, deploy

def my_flow_1():
    print("I'm number one!")

def my_flow_2():
    print("Always second...")

if __name__ == "__main__":
        # Use the `to_deployment` method to specify configuration 
        #specific to each deployment

        # Specify shared configuration for both deployments

When we run the above script, it will build a single Docker image for both deployments. This approach offers the following benefits:

  • Saves time and resources by avoiding redundant image builds.
  • Simplifies management by maintaining a single image for multiple flows.

Additional resources